Tewkesbury Nature Reserve has benefited enormously from the support of both the local and wider community – from services donated by local business to donations from organisations to fund the maintenance and development of the site.
One of the key funds we were successful in obtaining was from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development under its LEADER programme. Our funds were in support of attracting more tourists to the reserve and onwards into Tewkesbury town.
With the funds we were able to complete a car park, which has been instrumental in increasing visitor numbers. Around the reserve we installed 6 information lecterns and 20 waymarker guidance posts. We also had the ability to improve some all ability paths and we added a finger signpost directing visitors to town.
Mosaique designed our leaflets, maps, graphics and vibrant branding.
CLK Media printed the signage that you can find around the reserve.
Photography and Videography
Chris Davies of CD productions who took some brilliant aerial photography and video of The Reserve
James Hargreave has taken some beautiful photos whilst out on the reserve, which we use across our website. As a former Trustee, James kindly donates money from his photos to Tewkesbury Nature Reserve alongside other charities. You can see more of his work on his Instagram page.
We are very grateful for this support and for all future support we will receive.
This page is in progress and all of our supporters will be added soon…