Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Where do you live? Please provide the first four characters of your postcode. (If you reside outside the UK, please provide the country you are visiting from). *2. How many were in your party attending the reserve today? *12345678+3. What were the ages of those in your party? Please select all that apply: *0-89-1314-1819-2526-3536-5051-6061-7071+4. What was the purpose of your visit to the reserve today. Please select all that apply: *To experience nature at the reserveFor a walk (without a dog)For a walk (with a dog)ExerciseTo use the hides for activities such as bird watchingFor convenience, e.g. a shorter walk from Wheatpieces to Priors ParkOther5. How did you get to Tewkesbury Nature Reserve today? Please tick the main mode you used. * Walk Cycle Car Public transport 6. Did you encounter any issues with accessing the reserve during your visit? *YesNo7. Do you have any access needs which prevented you from enjoying the reserve today? *YesNoIf yes to question 6 or 7, please specify those issues below..8. Did you bring a dog to the reserve? *YesNo9. To aid the conservation of plant and animal species and following death to livestock, we have a ‘dogs on leads’ policy at the reserve. Was this information made available to you prior to visiting or while you were on the reserve via signage?YesNo10. How would you rate your experience on the reserve today? * Brilliant Good Satisfactory Bad Very Bad 11. To what extent do you agree with this statement: I will visit the reserve again. *Strongly agreeAgreeNeither agree nor disagreeDisagreeStrongly disagree12. Do you have anything you would like us to know about your experience on the reserve today? Please leave question(s) in this section if you had any.13. What is your email address? (If you would like us to respond to your query).14. If you left your email address, would you like to be added to the mailing list for volunteer opportunities?YesNoSubmit