Please get in touch if you would like to produce any species reports/investigations on the reserve as we would love to display your findings online.

You can explore our citizen science water quality data by using the link below:

You can explore and download our species reports using the links below.

TNR Big Butterfly Count 2014:

Our very own TNR butterfly count for 2014 which took place in July and August resulted in some 108 butterfly sightings from 6 individual counts. The interesting fact about our sightings is that they match the top 10 species observed in England in the same period, though in slightly different ranking.

Our survey ranking was:

1: 73 Small Tortoiseshell. 2: 11 Small White. 3: 6 Gatekeeper. 4: 5 Meadow Brown. 5: 4 Peacock. 4 Speckled Wood. 6: 2 Large White. 7: 1 Common Blue. 1 Green-veined White. 1 Red Admiral.

Our Moth surveys:

About 2500 species of moth have been recorded in Britain. Such a rich diversity means that species can be found in a very wide range of habitats. Moth records can therefore provide a useful indication of the biological health of a site. We used a moth light trap over a period of time and recorded a list of 83 species. 

Observed Species:

During the summer some of our volunteers wandered around the reserve taking note of all the species they found on the site. It is not until you do something like this that you realise how many and how varied a number of species there are. 

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